How to Stay Cool in Your RV This Summer


Camping during summer can bring many rewarding adventures, yet the heat of the Southern California desert can make even experienced RVers uncomfortable. Luckily, there are numerous tips and tricks that will keep your RV cool this season.

While RV travel allows for much flexibility in its planning and travel schedules, summer camping trips can still present unique challenges when trying to beat the extreme heat. But with careful preparation and insight from experienced campers, your summer camping adventure may go smoothly without turning into a sticky disaster!

Invest in the Right Insulation

Insulation acts as a barrier between hot air and cool air. This is important because even with doors and windows closed, hot air can still enter your RV through cracks in its exterior or through single-pane windows that remain open. Insulation also keeps temperatures consistent within your RV while simultaneously improving fuel economy and increasing comfort.

Spray foam insulation is an ideal choice for your RV because of its superior moisture resistance properties. Unfortunately, installing it requires some doing but will make your camping trip much cooler this summer!

As an alternative, fiberglass insulation is an affordable choice that wears down quicker than spray foam or rigid foam and may lead to mold growth if it collects moisture inside an RV. Fiberglass works best for RVers planning on staying in one climate year-round or who are willing to replace their insulation every few years.

Upgrade Your RV Skirting

Skirting is an RV insulation solution that prevents warm air from coming in underneath your rig, protecting tanks and water lines from damage.

Selecting the material for your skirting is crucial, as its durability and efficiency will determine its longevity and success. Vinyl skirting is popular due to its being both affordable and visually pleasing.

Foam insulation board RV skirting can also be an easy option. Though installation should take no more than an afternoon, some individuals may find it heavy and challenging to manage. Additionally, this option only works if your RV will remain stationary – not ideal for full-time RVing!

Seal All Compartments

Time after time, RV compartment door seals can crack and break down, allowing heat into your RV and making you uncomfortable. Installing a low-cost and straightforward insulation kit on your RV doors is the perfect way to stay cool during hot summer nights!

Use vent covers to block excessive heat from entering your RV. They’re easy to install and made from aluminum with foam core construction for optimal results.

Use tarps to shade your RV awning and campsite, thereby helping to keep it cooler by using nature as air conditioning and decreasing the amount of heat that enters. Tarps serve as the natural air conditioner and will greatly decrease heat inside.

Block the Vents

Vent covers are an invaluable way of keeping your RV cool in the heat of summer. By insulating vent slats with insulation material, vent covers enable opening them for ventilation in warmer months, but maintaining their seal when rain arrives.

Another DIY solution is an evaporative swamp cooler, made of a fan, a water pump, a large container, and tubing. This inexpensive way of keeping your RV cool during the day can even be vented out a window for maximum cooling efficiency.

Add Window Shades

You can keep the sun at bay with window shades – they are inexpensive and easy to install – or automate them so they adjust as the sun moves across the sky throughout the day to protect from overheating or fading.

Reflectix material can also be utilized to cover windows. It’s basically foil on both sides with an insulative core, making it cheap and easily available at hardware stores – plus, its reflective qualities look cool when used as window treatments!

One way to decrease heat in your RV is by parking it as much as possible in the shade. This will keep its interior cooler when cooking indoors.

Park Your RV Facing North

If the heat becomes overwhelming, RVing offers some unique advantages when it comes to managing temperatures: mobility. If possible, park the RV so that the front faces north. That way, you avoid the natural trajectory of the sun’s rays going directly into your RV’s windows.

Additionally, take advantage of natural cooling solutions like swimming in lakes rivers and oceans to stay comfortable. Staying hydrated is also crucial during the summer when sweat production increases significantly. Aim to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily!

Cook Outside During the Day

When temperatures become too hot to cook in, or there’s a fire ban in effect, eating outside as much as possible will help your RV remain cooler. This strategy will keep its interior comfortable.

If you must cook indoors, a propane grill is an effective way to keep meals at an appropriate temperature. Even without such an appliance, campfires can work wonders for keeping an RV cool and comfortable.

Keep The Door Shut

This may seem obvious, but an open RV door lets in all of the outside temperature, making it tough to keep your RV cool, even with a unit air conditioner. If you’re bringing the kids, this can be especially challenging as they tend to come in and out a lot. Make sure they know the rule to keep the door shut at all times. Good for keeping the bugs out, as well!